Page 91 - NUMO JOURNAL 2024
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                                                                                                  BIKES, TOURS & ADVENTURES

 Sourcing most of the ingredients directly from
 farmers and producers on Crete, the menus
 tale to tell! The entire island is full of sto-  include fresh local produce, with a variety of
 ries and mysteries. While the past is most   seasonal greens, fresh fruits, and local nuts.
 certainly an inspiration, the present is also
 very important to consider. I try to con-
 stantly link the past and present together
 when I am making a pot or researching a
 topic on the ancient world.   in  Chania,  I  found  myself  in  Ierapetra   of food. Plus they learn how to dance and
 How did you transition from ceramics to Mi-  around 2004 studying Minoan pottery   speak a little Greek! Not to mention, they
 noan cuisine? How are these two connected?  from local excavations in Lassithi. In 2006,   learn a bit about the island’s history. For
 This is a wonderful combination – ceram-  I started working on Minoan cooking and   Minoan  Tastes,  creating  partnerships  is
 ics and Minoan cuisine! Ceramic cooking   cuisine and have not stopped! One of the   fabulous! We like this too.
 pots are one of the most dynamic objects   handiest dietary habits practised in Iera-  The  dishes  of  Minoan  Tastes  that  for-
 that anyone could hold, look at, and even   petra is people’s use of sun power to dry   eign guests appreciate the most are all
 use to cook food or boil water for herbal   and preserve food, especially in the sum-  those cooked with pork, the various ways
 tea! Not only is the design of the vessel   mer. Learning these techniques helped   we prepare octopus, and our honey-
 interesting, but there are critical points of   me think about cooking and food preser-  flavoured lentils. They are very surprised
 interest, such as the type of clay the pot-  vation in a different way, especially when   when they enjoy the different, more tra-
 ter used, the type of lid needed to build   using various tools like ceramic pots.   ditional, tastes involving rabbit, sheep, or
 up the heat inside the vessel and ensure   Each region of Crete is special and offers   goat! Occasionally, we make snails, which
 the food was cooked, and, most impor-  something new!   some guests adore!
 tantly, how one could use fire to cook the   What experiences do you offer through Mi-  Share with us a favourite spot in the broader
 food. Everyone living in Crete in the Mi-  noan Tastes?  area of Ierapetra that you discovered through
 noan period knew fire cooking techniques   Currently, we offer a variety of ceramic   your involvement in the region.
 that included the use of ceramic pots. For   cooking and eating party options for   My  favourite  spots  are  the  gardens  my
 me, it’s the perfect merging of the ancient   small groups. Before the pandemic, we   friends have created at their homes. These   EXPERIENCE THE AUTHENTIC CRETE ON A BICYCLE!
 and modern worlds to better understand   participated in numerous large-scale   are unique oases where we congregate
 how people lived and can still live in the   events organised for public and private   for meals, music, and conversation, espe-
 East Mediterranean.   occasions. I hope we will return to these,   cially during summer nights, feast days,   Our desire to make mountain bike adventures in Crete accessible to all became the passion we share everyday with
 You established Minoan Tastes based in Iera-  as they were a lot of fun and a fabulous   and Sundays. Each of these lovely spac-  you! Whether you’re an experienced cyclist or a beginner, want to ride for a day or longer, private or in a group,
 petra. What fascinates you about Cretan di-  way to build community.   es has a large table, shaded by various
 etary habits?  What are foreign visitors’ favourite experi-  plants, and is decorated differently from   we have exactly the right experience for you. Join us for inspiring cycling tours to fully explore the wonder and joy
 The south coast of Crete has always been   ences?  all others. While Ierapetra is very comfort-  of the wilderness of Crete Island or rent mountain, road and e-bikes to create your own route of exploration. You
 a favourite place of mine. It’s warm dur-  Foreign visitors always enjoy evenings   ing as a whole, these spaces are primar-  will follow us through off the beaten paths in a range of day tours, multi-day tours and longer cycling adventures.
 ing the day and cool at night with the sky   when we pair  meals with traditional   ily about the people who make them and
 full of stars. There is a sense of peaceful   Greek chefs! They like the Minoan and   the company they keep. These moments
 intrigue as you look out across the deep   Greek Nights together. It is fun for them,   around a large table are precious to me,
 blue sea. It’s wonderful! After many years   as they can have different tastes or bites   and I hold them close to my heart! •

               T: +30 690 690 3223 | [email protected] |                              JOYRIDE.BIKE  TRIPADVISOR
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