P. 4
TAKING Recognizing the importance of maintaining Behind every exceptional guest
the natural beauty of our local beaches,
experience is a dedicated team
ACTION FOR NUMO Ierapetra has taken proactive steps working in harmony. At NUMO
to ensure our cleanliness and sustainability.
Ierapetra, we understand that our
A CLEANER Our passionate team actively participated employees are the heart of our
hospitality. By fostering a culture of
in beach cleaning activities, going beyond
WORLD! hospitality to contribute to a healthier en- respect, growth, and collaboration,
we not only elevate our guests'
Our hotel, nestled along the picturesque stays but also create a rewarding
coastline of Southeastern Crete, is re- environment where every team BLOOD DONATION
nowned for our commitment to sustainability and eco-friendly practices. As part of member can flourish. Our belief
our ongoing efforts to promote responsible tourism, we bring together hotel staff in the potential for growth within A GREAT ACT
and local volunteers to clean and maintain the beaches in the vicinity of our prop- our team forms the cornerstone
of our approach to employee
erty. Every month, a team of dedicated individuals comes together to collect litter, development. From tailored training OF LOVE!
remove debris, and ensure the beaches remain pristine for both locals and visitors
to enjoy. As guests, visitors, and members of the local community, we have the programs to mentorship initiatives,
power to play a vital role in preserving our environment. Let’s join hands with NUMO we provide an environment where We are proud to announce that our
Ierapetra in our mission to preserve the beauty of our local treasures. Together, we ambitions are nurtured. NUMO Ierapetra staff participated in a
can make a significant impact and ensure that future generations can continue to successful blood donation drive hosted
enjoy the stunning shores and pristine waters that define our coastal paradise. Despoina Stavrakaki, on the 31st of July at the hotel with a
HR Generalist NUMO Ierapetra mobile unit of the Venizelion Hospital
of Heraklion. Our team of dedicated
and compassionate hotel staff mem-
bers selflessly donated blood to con-
OWNER tribute to the common goal of saving
NUMO Hotels & Resorts lives. The donation drive is a part of
our ongoing contribution to the com-
PUBLISHER-EDITOR IN CHIEF munity and finding ways to give back.
Elsa Soimiri In a time where the need for blood do-
[email protected] nations continues to rise, we all came
together to provide much-needed re-
CREATIVE DIRECTOR sources to those in need. We also want
Kate Ziavra to encourage our guests to consider
joining the cause as well. The proce-
CONTENT DIRECTOR dure is carried out after a preliminary
CELEBRATING OUR honour the very best Despoina Sampson examination and evaluation of the do-
nor which ensures his safety and the
hotels around the
TRAVELLERS’ CHOICE world and their out- Vivian Vourtsa blood suitability for transfusion. Do-
nating blood is a simple yet effective
way of helping those in need.
Voted by real travel-
AWARD 2023 lers, the winners are PUBLISHED BY
ELSE AGENCY Sophisticated
based on millions of
valuable reviews and Media Lab
We are thrilled to announce that opinions from travellers worldwide.
NUMO Ierapetra has been honoured This distinction is another notch on the
with the Travellers’ Choice Awards belt of NUMO Hotels & Resorts, on the
2023. A warm thank you to our amaz- stunning island of Crete. NUMO Iera- NUMO Hotels & Resorts
ing guests for their unwavering sup- petra has previously been recognized 2 Parnassou Street, 10561 Athens,
port and glowing reviews. The annual by Condé Nast Traveller as one of the Greece T: +30 28340 55000
TripAdvisor Travellers’ Choice awards most romantic hotels in Crete. E: [email protected]